12 December 2012

Goodbye ICLA!

As everyone was leaving by Dec 9th, I was packing to move into my new apartment for the week. I was able to stay at the Oakwoods and continue my CONAN internship for a few more days, until I actually leave SoCal on Thursday!

Monday at Conan was the best day of the internship -- I was walking through the office with a new intern when we ran into Conan, he held the door open for us and after the new intern introduced herself, I shook Conan's hand and before I could even say hi or anything, he said "oh I know who you are, Andrew!" It was so awesome. The rest of the week was relatively quiet with the same 'ole intern tasks ... Wednesday evening was the end, I had to make my final goodbyes. After (almost exactly) four months in beautiful LA, it's all over!

Now, off to a relaxing vacation in another warm place (Florida). Soon enough, I'll be re-packing and getting ready to move back to Ithaca for my last semester.

Me at the CONAN sign at the Guest Entrance