And the summer blues have finally hit... the weather is warm, the schedules are light, and the sunny days are long! Nobody wants to be working during these beautiful summer days, but things keep on keeping on and continue with the routine of life!
With the hype of spring sports at Barclays Center, the seasons come to an end with only a few lucky teams finding success in the post-season - neither team we host made it far! Now that summer is here, the event coverage is very limited as many concerts, graduations, private events, and other non-sports event that do not require much content distribution or video playbacks. Thankfully, with this down-time, there are some visual graphic projects and major system updates that will happen; even though I am a part-time staff, my supervisors are eager to give me shifts and allow me to help build these new projects.
Back at the my full-time gig, with the United Nations, there is always meetings and high-level events going on! Every week there is a different NGO or UN-affiliated sector hosting some convention, conference, symposium, forum, etc - all requesting some type of media clip from their meeting... which is where I come along and search, cut, distribute, and archive each media request. Aside from these numerous conferences each day, our in-house studio get reserved for various client's video messages or interviews and subsequently, we edit and distribute these as well.