So you might be wondering what I do on daily basis, in the broadcast operations of the United Nations? Well, my main responsibilities comprise in two areas: operating the broadcast equipment for meetings or maintaining all video archives and monitoring the global television feed.
Depending on the crew assignments and which positions are needed, the role for operating the broadcast equipment general fall under the production control room or media stakeouts/ENG events. In the control room, I am assigned to operating the multiple robotic cameras in one specific meeting room, technical directing the meeting(s), designing the meeting graphics/slates, or a general utility (which most often is giving breaks to all crew). During media stakeouts or ENG events, there are generally two positions - cameraman and boom audio operator; in some cases, we set up studio lighting.
On the other side, in the Media Operations Centre, I get to oversee all the digital recordings and backup systems for meetings, interviews, studio records, and special events. Additionally, we monitor the feed for UN Television, switching between live meetings/events and pre-recorded programming (often from the editors, overseas missions, various UN-affiliated organizations, etc). Also, with an effort for all staff to learn all positions, I have been tasked at training other crew on the standard operations of the MOC and the MAMS software.