The summer is coming to an end and things are slowly getting "back to normal" at UN Television; while at my Barclays Center freelance work, the busy season doesn't start until October when the sports franchises return to play!
During the summer, the official UN meetings and events (Security Council, General Assembly, Committee meetings, Mission-sponsored forums, etc) that we provide coverage are quite infrequent - on average 2-3 days per week. Yet during the fall and beyond, these official events we cover occur at least daily with some days covering multiple sessions per day! Much of the summer work, besides the minimal event coverage, is system maintenance and often long-form project requests for multiple archived video footage. For example, we have a New Zealand-based production company who has requested multiple clips of meeting footage with the prominent NZ delegates and officials, all being completed from my position in the MOC and the AV Library.
Down the 4 subway line, at my nights/weekend freelance gig at the Barclays Center, the summer schedule is even lighter than the UN. For instance, in September, there is only three events schedule (some were multiple days) for the whole month!! Most of the summer events are concerts or family-staged shows, where the tour production company takes control of all aspects of the event which minimizes the in-house crew duties to basically switching on and off the house lights, LED boards, and concourse/suite video monitors! This limited work responsibility allows us to mostly work on long-term projects that need tweaking.
So, as the regular season for both Barclays Center and the UN come back into play, stay tuned for some interesting work-related posts!