31 January 2013

Ithacan: Culture Shock

Another video I produced this week was a feature on two students who went on a Taglit-Birthright trip to Israel. Throughout the year, the Taglit-Birthright organization provides free trips to Israel for Jewish individuals from around the world.

Click here, or watch below:

Ithacan: Safe Zone

It is the first full week back at IC and I am already getting back into the swing of things. In addition to my regularly scheduled classes and work, I back to shooting and producing videos for the Ithacan.

One of this week's video was about the gun control issue and gun violence in the Ithaca community.

Click here, or watch below:

22 January 2013

The Last Semester Begins...

This is it... today begins my last semester at Ithaca College. I will be taking three classes, one of which my college thesis. I will be working with a group of my peers in the class to create a TV show, documentary, or short film. I plan to continue working for the Ithacan and certain shows at ICTV throughout the semester.

So, check back here frequently to see the latest updates of my thesis and Ithacan/ICTV work.